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For those who coordinate volunteers, we support you!

County Events Team volunteers

Community Action Suffolk is launching new, quarterly “Volunteer Development Forums” to support colleagues in Suffolk who coordinate volunteers for their organisation or business.

CAS understands that a volunteer coordinator is often the only person in their organisation fulfilling that role, so it sometimes feel like a lonely job. The new forums will offer a chance to network with others, share good practice and learn about different areas of volunteer management.

Carolyn Shaw, Volunteering Manager at CAS, said:

“For the past three years CAS run similar, more informal meetings but we’re always looking to respond to feedback and improve the services we offer. With this in mind, we have created new forums which will be more formal, attendees can expect to hear from speakers from other community organisations, updates on volunteering policy, funding opportunities, discussions around new developments and issues around volunteering.”

The Forums are open to anyone from public, private or voluntary sectors, who have an interest in involving volunteers in their organisations and would like to develop their knowledge, networks and learn more. They are held across the county, with each forum running from 10am to midday.

If you would like to attend on of the Forums, click here to find the next one happening near you.

To contact one of CAS’s Volunteering Services Officers and learn more about how CAS can support you with volunteering, see our Volunteering pages.