Join Our Network

Representation of the VCFSE Sector

CAS aims to coordinate representation of CAS and VCFSE (Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise) representatives to ensure that the VCFSE sector in Suffolk has a voice in areas where we need to influence for the benefit of our communities, and to provide input into the development of the inclusive economic growth of Suffolk. 

We aim to use a range of mediums to communicate and promote the benefits of partnerships and collaboration.

We already use a range of social media and open and closed groups on Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Instagram and other mediums to ensure that we can capture sector views and concerns and that these are able to be communicated effectively.

We are working across our wider VCFSE sector to develop and implement communications systems that will enable effective information exchange within the sector and with partners.  We will aim to create conditions to enable the sector to form effective partnerships and collaborations.

VCFSE organisations in our sector can make themselves heard through our networks.

Join Our Network and sign up for Newsletters and Updates

  • Funding
  • Health and Wellbeing Network
  • Men’s Sheds Networks
  • Safeguarding
  • Suffolk Good Neighbour Network
  • The Pod (a dedicated network for Comms, Marketing & PR people across the sector)
  • Training and Events
  • Village Halls and Community Buildings
  • Volunteer Coordinators Network
  • Young People’s Newsletter (for individuals and groups working with young people aged 8 – 24)

CAS also organises and supports events to ensure that VCFSE organisations in all parts of the sector have an opportunity to have a voice and be heard, for example:

  • Talk Volunteering Network Events held around the county
  • Health and Wellbeing Network Meetings
  • Suffolk Village Halls and Community Buildings Conference
  • Suffolk Volunteering Conference
  • Funding Conference
  • Suffolk Safeguarding Conference

CAS aims to ensure that the sector can be heard at national level too.  We facilitate representation on national bodies such as Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE), the Rural Services Network (RSN) events, National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), and other VCFSE relevant bodies.

Suffolk VCFSE Leaders Network

The Leaders meet monthly to enable the sharing of knowledge and information.  The network was formed in 2019 and initially met quarterly.  During Covid it met weekly and has evolved to meet monthly as this provides benefits for all attendees and enables timely communication on key issues.  The group was originally formed with the aims of:

  • Sharing expertise and experience – lessons learnt;
  • Peer support;
  • Identification of themes that we can work together on to be successful;
  • Funding – sharing knowledge to help maximise the sectors chances given tight timescales;
  • Promotion of collaboration and partnership to develop trust and enable better statutory sector engagement.

There are regular presentations from leaders from across the VCFSE sector and from sectors relevant to our work – we have recently had presentations from the Local Enterprise Partnership and the Chamber of Commerce on the impact of Covid and how the economy is moving forward, on climate change and the work that the sector will need to undertake to help Suffolk achieve net zero.

The Network enables the Leaders to discuss and plan action on issues of interest to the VCFSE sector in Suffolk.

If you would like further information, please contact Belinda Couldridge at Community Action Suffolk ([email protected])