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Rural Broadband – What has it ever done for me?

If you want to know more about available support to help you grow your business online, most business support services are delivered locally, so in the first instance contact your local County Council’s Economic Development Unit.

If you are an agricultural, horticulture or farming business, Defra has a scheme providing subsidised training for up to 90,000 rural business people. This training covers a range of business and management skills, including IT. For more information about the scheme go to:…

Broadband is being rolled out across rural areas over the next few years. To find out when broadband is coming to you, check this google map, which provides details of each county’s broadband unit. Each county is different, so the broadband team may not have all the information on support you seek, but they should be able to direct you to a helpful local source:…

Finally, you can also try the Government’s ‘Business in You’ website. This is a site dedicated to offering advice on a range of issues for small businesses and start-ups:

If you want to talk about other IT matters relating to broadband, IT Support, Website Design, Email or Web Hosting then you can also talk to Suffolk Online on 01473 345305 or at [email protected]. Suffolk Online is Community Action Suffolk’s own Social Enterprise IT brand and has been in existence for over 10 years and has a rich experience across a wide range of IT services. You can visit the website at to also find out more.