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Community Action Suffolk Quality Standards Terms and Partnership Agreement 2021

Booking and payment

  • For current Quality Standards costs please refer to our website
  • Quality Standards must be paid for in full before you are given access to your online portfolio. You have the option to pay at the point of registration using either a credit or debit card. If you want to pay at the point of registration please ensure you have a credit/ debit card or PayPal account.
  • You can also request to ‘Pay later’. This option only means that when we receive your registration we will send you an invoice for payment via email at the address stated in your registration. You will only get access to your online portfolio once full payment has been received by BACS or cheque.
  • Bookings must be made using the Community Action Suffolk Online Booking system.
  • Completed registrations will automatically be confirmed via email at the time of registration. The confirmation also serves as a receipt.

Community Action Suffolk Quality Standards Partnership Agreement 2021

1.         Parties to the Commitment:

  • Community Action Suffolk
  • Organisation undertaking the CAS QS               

2.         Purpose of the understanding:

To clarify the commitment and work required towards achieving and maintaining the Community Action Suffolk Quality Award.

3.         Responsibilities of Community Action Suffolk:

  1. Community Action Suffolk will provide support and guidance to ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS while working towards achieving the Community Action Suffolk Quality Award.
  1. Community Action Suffolk will ensure evidence and your portfolio are kept confidential and seek permission from ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS, where appropriate, before materials are shared with others outside the team and the Quality Standards panel.
  1. Community Action Suffolk will issue the Quality Standard Award as soon as possible after the Awarding Quality Standards panel meeting
  1. Community Action Suffolk will share causes for concern with other relevant professional bodies, with the expressed consent from ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS, unless there are safeguarding/legal issues. Confidentiality issues in relation to the safety of young people will conform to Community Action Suffolk’s Codes of Practice. 
  2. Community Action Suffolk will provide access to the online QS system for registered groups for one year from setting up the account to allow for the completion of the Quality Standard within the agreed one year timescale. Access to the online system will also reflect any agreed extension (see point 4.1).
  3. Community Action Suffolk will continue to provide access to the online QS system for groups who achieve the Award for the three year period the award is valid. In the event that a group reapplies to undertake and renew Quality Standards a new online portfolio will be created with full access to the system and to their previous online portfolio..
  4. Community Action Suffolk reserves the right to withdraw the Quality Award if it is not being applied and there is cause for concern that is not addressed.

4.         Responsibilities of the organisation undertaking CAS QS:

  1. ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS agrees to undertake and complete the standard within a maximum of one year.  Any alteration to these time-scales must be agreed with the Community Action Suffolk member of staff supporting you through the process.
  2. ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS agrees to recognise that the Quality Standards process is intended to be developmental, which may mean researching and trying out new ideas, developing improved documentation, attending relevant training and/or visiting other settings.
  3. ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS will ensure that its employees, officers, contractors and any person acting on its behalf complies with the law in the United Kingdom and in particular does not commit any act of discrimination rendered unlawful.  ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS must not discriminate or promote discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, gender, sexuality, marital status or religious affiliation.
  1. ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS will ensure that any work agreed as part of the process or arising from the Quality standards panel recommendations is undertaken within the agreed time-scale.
  1. ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS will agree to facilitate the whole staff team and service users being involved in the Quality Standards discussions and development process, as far as is practicable and appropriate. 
  1. ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS will only be able to use the Community Action Suffolk Quality Standards logo and claim to be accredited by the Quality Standards once the whole Community Action Suffolk Quality Standard has been completed and for a maximum of three years, thereafter, on completion of the renewal of the process.
  1. ORGANISATION UNDERTAKING THE CAS QS will ensure that while working towards and/or holding the Community Action Suffolk Quality Standard Award they are part of the Community Action Suffolk Network. If you have not joined, it is free and you can join here.
  2. By registering for CAS QS you agree to accept the terms set out in this agreement


For any queries contact:

[email protected]
[email protected]