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Are They Safe? Wellbeing and welfare concerns

Wellbeing/ welfare concerns

If you are worried about someone’s welfare and\/or wellbeing and the situation does not meet the threshold for a safeguarding referral in Suffolk below are some contact links for where you may find the support that is needed.

Sources of support include:

Customer First (Social Care)
Suffolk Information partnership (SIP)
Suffolk Advice and Support Service (SASS)
Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (LWAS)
Childrens Early Help Service

Suffolk Customer First (Social Care)Opens a external web page

Customer First is the first point of contact for social services in Suffolk. They deal with enquiries and referrals about adults, children and mental health assessments.

If you are unsure if your enquiry is about social care, contact them. They will be happy to assist you if they can, and if they can’t they will point you in the right direction

Click on the link above to see how to contact social care in Suffolk, and what you can do to find help and support online.

Suffolk Information Partnership (SIP)Opens a external web page

The Suffolk Information Partnership manages a secure, online referral process to support vulnerable customers and clients and help them access services that they may not be able to on their own.

If the client would like to be referred to another organisation in the Scheme, or the practitioner feels it is in their best interests, their personal details and support needs can be safely and swiftly passed on to other partner organisations who will get in touch with the client to offer support. The process, which means that the client only needs to tell their story once, is underpinned by an Information Sharing Agreement that outlines the responsibilities of each partner and and a Privacy Statement.

Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (LWAS)Opens a external web page

The Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (LWAS) helps those experiencing financial hardship.

Childrens Early Help ServicesOpens a external web page

Guidance for professionals, parents and carers can be found on the website above.

If you are a member of staff, including a volunteer, of an organisation in Suffolk and you are not sure whether to make a safeguarding referral or not you can contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Professionals Line.

If you would like to discuss whether the situation you are concerned about should be the subject of a safeguarding referral, please contact the MASH Consultation Line on 0345 606 1499.