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Safeguarding: Are you worried about someone?

Are you worried about someone?

If the matter is urgent because a child or adult at Risk of harm is in immediate danger, phone 999.


Abuse is not normal. Every person’s wellbeing matters. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. 

Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect, abuse and exploitation and other criminal behaviour such as scamming. We ask you to join us, and with our professional colleagues from the Police, Suffolk Health Services, Suffolk County Council, to prevent abuse from happening, protect those being abused and take action.

If you have safeguarding concerns about an adult or child

If the child or adult is in immediate danger call 999 ask for the police, and an ambulance if that is also needed, follow their guidance.

For guidance on how to report a non-urgent safeguarding concern about a child/ren and for an adult(s)

Access the Secure Suffolk Children and Young People’s PortalOpens a external web page
Access the secure Adult Care PortalOpens a external web page

The Children and Young People’s Portal and the Adult  Care Portal are an easy to use, secure space where you can complete and send forms directly to the right children’s/ adult’s services team.

The first time you complete a form you will be asked to create a new portal account. It’s quick and easy to register for an account. To make sure the information you send to us is secure, you will need to log into this account every time you access the portal.

There are user guides and video guidance available if you need help using the portal.

Refer without creating a portal accountOpens a external web page

If you are concerned about a child or adult and are unable to use the reporting Portal, you can call Customer First on 0808 800 4005.

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – Professionals helpline

If you would like to discuss whether or not a referral is required, please call the Professional Consultation Line on 03456 061 499 to speak with a MASH social worker.

Please note: The advice line does not replace an individual organisations safeguarding processes, these should be followed first. If following consultation more information comes to light or the situation changes, a professional can seek further clarity by calling the consultation line again.

Alternatively, if they feel that the response that have received does not meet the needs of the child/family or leaves a child at risk of harm, they can still make a referral in the usual way or escalate their concerns through their organisations safeguarding process.

Visit MASH WebsiteOpens a external web page

Allegations Management reporting and support

Contact details for Suffolk County Council LADO’s:
Tel: 0300 123 2044
Email: [email protected]