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Youth Focus Suffolk

Supporting voluntary and community groups in their work with young people in Suffolk

Youth Focus Suffolk is funded by Suffolk County Council and the Collaborative Communities Board.

We believe that when young people have a sense of belonging, communities are stronger.

We know the crucial role that communities have in supporting their young people to aspire, thrive and grow; from shop keepers to youth workers, sports coaches to neighbours. Whether in an organised youth work setting or just chatting to the young person next door, the value of positive interactions with trusted adults cannot be under-estimated. Positive relationships and community connections raise self esteem, build confidence and resilience.

We aim to ensure that VCSE organisations have access to resources, support and training to help build capacity in the youth sector, developing new ideas and sustaining existing support and provision for young people.

Training and Development in Youth Work

We have a range of youth work training and development opportunities, subsidised by Youth Focus Suffolk, from a one day ‘Practical Youth Work Skills’ to the NOCN Level 2 Award, Mental health awareness, Safeguarding, Supporting Volunteers, Fundraising and more.

Are you looking for some specific short courses that we haven’t mentioned? If so, please feel free to suggest them by email to [email protected]

Email to arrange a one to one

New to youth work?

If you are just getting started, have a few ideas or don’t quite know which direction to go in, you can arrange a chat with our VCFSE Youth Focus Suffolk Co-ordinator, Clare Lamb, who can act as a sounding board, help review your plans or simply help explore the options.

Is your youth provision mapped?

Have you listed your project on Youth Focus Suffolk Community Directory yet? Doing so will allow young people and volunteers in your area to find you more easily! Be sure to set your venue postcode to show people where you are on the map. NB: Your record will need to updated annually to ensure it is up to date.

Youth Focus Peer Support

Join our peer support network for anyone working with young people to share ideas, resources and support each other.

National Youth Agency Resources

A great place for resources is the National Youth Agency’s Resource Library, which contains research, policy and toolkits.

Free Organisation Health Check

And remember, you can always check if your policies are in shape with a free online Healthcheck; this will help highlight areas for development.


We know how important volunteers are in helping to support youth activities.

Are you thinking about how to develop volunteering within your group, or would you like to check you have the right policy and support in place for volunteers?

Community Action Suffolk has a specialist Volunteer Team and resources to help.

Contact: [email protected]

We’d also be keen to talk to you if you would like to involve young people in your project as volunteers. Volunteering build key skills and confidence for young people, helping them to move on into their future careers.

Are you looking for volunteers? You can advertise for free on Volunteer Suffolk!

Governance, Trustees and Organisational Development

We offer advice and support on a range of issues, including setting up a new charitable organisation, writing policies, insurance and working with trustees.


We offer advice, training and support on Safeguarding issues which can be tailored to the specific needs of a youth organisation or provider.

COVID-19 Information for youth provision

Have you watched the National Youth Agency’s latest webinar for the most up-to-date discussion around youth sector provision and COVID-19? You can also read their guidance on managing activities and spaces during COVID-19.

Contact Information

Clare Lamb, Community Development Officer – Youth Focus Suffolk Co-ordinator

Tel: 01473 345378

Email: [email protected]