‘Safeguarding should be a governance priority for all charities‘, Charity Commission 2018
Safeguarding Training Live and On-demand
SEE IT. RECOGNISE IT. REPORT IT. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. We have effective, affordable training to support you with your safeguarding responsibilities and to SEE IT. RECOGNISE IT. REPORT IT.
CAS VCSE Safeguarding Peer Support Network
Join our Safeguarding network. Learn from peers, meet invited experts, stay up to date and build relationships with colleagues in the safeguarding community.
1 to 1 safeguarding policy surgery
Do you want some support with your safeguarding policy? We offer 1 to 1 support and guidance with your safeguarding policy and procedures including how to embed them in your organisation.
Are you worried about someone?
If the matter is urgent because a child or adult at Risk of harm is in immediate danger, phone 999. To report other safeguarding concerns read on.
Example safeguarding policies & procedures
We have what you may be looking for! View our example safeguarding policy and procedure documents. They are free to download and amend to meet your needs.
News, updates and more resources
This section includes safeguarding leaflets, guides, information and #AreTheySafe resource pack that you may find useful.
“Trustees should ensure their charity provides a safe environment and protects staff, volunteers, and anyone who comes into contact with it from abuse or maltreatment of any kind”.
‘Trustees should take steps to ensure no one who comes into contact with their charity suffers distress or harm, as well as safeguarding children and adults at risk, says regulator of charities’.
Charity Commission, 2018
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. You have a safeguarding responsibility to the staff and volunteers that work with your organisation as well as to any children, young people, families and/or adults at risk of abuse that you work with.
Community Action Suffolk can support you to develop an appropriate understanding of safeguarding risks and requirements and how to manage these.
Community Action Suffolk has wide ranging knowledge and experience of delivering safeguarding training and providing policy and procedural guidance. These are in accordance with the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership guidance on how to support groups working with children, young people and adults at risk of abuse.
Abuse is not normal.
Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect, abuse and exploitation and other criminal behaviour such as scamming. We ask you to join us, and with our colleagues from the Police, Suffolk Health Services, Suffolk County Council et c. to prevent abuse from happening, protect those being abused and take action.